Thursday, June 18, 2009

what a week we have had! i have gone swimming twice and it is as amazing as i had hoped it would be! weightlessness has its perks. also, i am much more buoyant now than i used to be which is super nice! so, not only am i working a bunch of muscles that have been neglected i am getting some much needed vitamin d!

also this week we met with and decided on a doula! her name is vanessa and she is pretty great. she teaches at shawnee mission medical center and has help to deliver 3 or 4 babies a month for the past 5 years. we are excited!

i am feeling pretty huge these days. we spent the evening with zac's fam last night and dan (dad) noticed that i was shifting every two minutes and asked if there was any comfortable position at this point. what is funny is that i hadn't really noticed but now i am super aware of my fidgeting. it's not much of a problem, if i get too bad i just get on my yoga ball and life is good.

well, that is about it for now! just plugging along. looking forward to picking a pediatrician and photographer for newborn photos. if anyone has any suggestions, please let me know!


  1. Matt Hawley has a productions company now called Hawleywood Productions. He has done WONDERFUL work with weddings and senior videos. You might consider it! :)

  2. I absolutely love our photographer. She did a fabulous job. Enjoy your last few weeks. She'll be here before you know it!

