Tuesday, March 31, 2009

This is Zac.

I beat Bethany to the Blog today, I just wanted to let everyone know that:


April 1st,

we will hopefully know whether we will be having a Boy or a Girl!!! :)

...that is unless the baby actually celebrates Aprils Fools Day like Bethany has been suggesting...

The plan tomorrow morning is to get at least a cup of coffee or two inside of Mommy and hopefully have little Babu dancing all the way through the appointment and sonogram. I think its going to be a boy but I think that way deep down inside Bethany is hoping we're going to have a little girl, though I'm pretty sure you'd be hard pressed to get her to admit it ;). I know we're going to update the blog tomorrow with all the good info we find out at the doctor, but I'm pretty sure it's going to be posted ALL over our facebooks as soon as we find out the sex of the baby, ESPECIALLY since the facebook is at Bethany's finger tips with her BlackBerry.

In other baby news, I had a moment of actualization in the car last night. I was driving home from class and took a look in my back seat for a second and realized that in 4 months there's going to be a baby back there. But really, its not just any baby it'll be MY baby, the baby I had help in creating. Its... well... Mind blowing! Haha... I don't know, its hard to explain... But I love it. :)

Well... I think that's it for this evening.

Wait! One Second...


Do you like this bedset?

Thursday, March 26, 2009

20 weeks!!

I am still in shock that I am this far along. My belly is growing and growing, everyday it seems a little bigger. I will get some pics up soon, hopefully not just of me but of baby too! Next week we have another sonogram and I can't wait. We haven't seen our little one since week 6, I am pretty anxious to see it.

I am doing really well overall. No more headaches and no sickness, just a nasty backache. All of this weight in the front is no fun, but I am getting into see a chiropractor who happens to be a great friend and that helps everything!

We stopped by Babies R Us, and if it hadn't been real before, holy moly that changed. Looking at bottles and diapers and clothes and all of the gear...wowza. I just have to take a deep breath and know that it will all work out. I feel overwhelmed when trying to balance baby planning with wedding planning. Good thing I have a great support system :)

Ok friends, time to go taste wedding cake!! Baby and I have been looking forward to this for a while.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

We are heading into week 19 and I am getting seriously excited about the next sonogram! Unfortunately we have to wait another 2 weeks. Hopefully we will be able to tell you then if we are having a boy or a girl! Yes we want to know and yes we want you to know, too!

On the health front, this week has been a little rough for me. I have been getting one migraine a week and this week was nasty. It lasted 3 days and the medicine they gave me knocked me out completely and then gave me a nasty allergic reaction. So...I've been pretty miserable for a few days, but thanks to some carrot cake made from scratch (thanks dad) and some serious head massaging from my man I was able to wake up refreshed and headache free today.

The meds that put me to sleep definitely put the baby to sleep for a few days too, but today it was super excited to not be medicated! I woke up to little kicks and went to find Zac. It had settled down by the time Zac's hands got to the right place on the belly and so he just leaned down and started talking to it and that did the trick! Baby started tap dancing for dad and he felt it!! It was a beautiful moment and Zac's face was priceless. Great way to start the day for sure :)