Monday, June 29, 2009

good morning everyone!

i am awake with some pretty massive heartburn, but with the help of tums and my yoga ball i think i will make it :) not much has changed since last post physically, but boy have we been busy! we had our first baby shower this saturday and it was a beautiful and meaningful experience, not to mention the presents. i didn't want to play games with food in diapers and thank goodness there was none of that. instead we had conversation with words of strength and stories of love from those who have become mothers and encouragement from friends! the food was wonderful, especially the chocolate covered strawberries :)

beyond the encouragement that was shared we received some fantastic gifts. We got a camcorder, a GREAT stroller, diaper genie, changing pad, swaddler, the perfect diaper bag, and some incredibly cute clothes!! everyones generocity was a bit overwhelming, and thank you cards seem inadequate. we spent the weekend taking stock and putting some finishing touches on the nursery and we made our first diaper run!

we are getting more and more excited. zac and i find ourselves just looking at each other giggling when the realization hits, holy crap, only 5 more weeks! thank you to everyone who has supported us emotionally and given such generous gifts.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

what a week we have had! i have gone swimming twice and it is as amazing as i had hoped it would be! weightlessness has its perks. also, i am much more buoyant now than i used to be which is super nice! so, not only am i working a bunch of muscles that have been neglected i am getting some much needed vitamin d!

also this week we met with and decided on a doula! her name is vanessa and she is pretty great. she teaches at shawnee mission medical center and has help to deliver 3 or 4 babies a month for the past 5 years. we are excited!

i am feeling pretty huge these days. we spent the evening with zac's fam last night and dan (dad) noticed that i was shifting every two minutes and asked if there was any comfortable position at this point. what is funny is that i hadn't really noticed but now i am super aware of my fidgeting. it's not much of a problem, if i get too bad i just get on my yoga ball and life is good.

well, that is about it for now! just plugging along. looking forward to picking a pediatrician and photographer for newborn photos. if anyone has any suggestions, please let me know!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

As I enter into week 31 I am mindful of the poor women who feel miserable through their entire pregnancy. I wouldn't say that I am miserable...just not comfortable. I have started the heartburn and general feeling of discomfort stemming from the lack of room for everything inside of me. My toes look like little sausages and my face is filling out...BUT we had another check up and Sophi is doing great. As of Wednesday she weighed 3.5 pounds! I had the glucose screening and everything was prefect. While I am concerned about my weight one else is. My doc told me just to stop thinking about it, but I'm pretty sure that isn't realistic.

In other news, we have made a major step in completing the nursery! The walls are 98% finished. All that is left is for a beautiful mural to be painted and the furniture to be moved in! Oh, and a modification to the ceiling fan. But that's it! It feels really good to be this much closer to having a place for Sophia.

Speaking of the little one...boy has she been active! It has been a riot to see her rolling and stretching. It is still a little weird to see a *human being* moving around in side of me. Most of the time I love it, others it's a bit crazy. Especially when that stretch puts a foot right in the bladder or ribs. I really can't complain too much though. I have had it so easy up until this point and it's not like I am bed stricken...just a little uncomfortable :)

That's about it for now! Check out my facebook for pics of the nursery :)