Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Not much change to report. We are into our 11th week and I am experiencing fewer days of little to no energy. I have found the foods that I can and can't eat, and as long as I stick to it. Jonas is adjusting quite well as well. He loves snuggling with me on the days that I have to sleep and going to the dog park on the days that I feel good and the weather is nice. He is having the hardest time in the morning when he wants to lay on my tummy and snuggle and jumps on me to get on the bed. When we watch baby shows together he always perks up and looks at the tv when a baby cries. Pretty adorable.

In other news, I have officially gained my first pound! It's odd, I feel like I am 5-10lbs bigger. This is by far the craziest thing that has ever happened to me. Zac is wonderful. Massages every night, giving into my cravings, just loving in every way possible. I really am so lucky to have such a wonderful partner on this journey!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Little update

We met with our doctor today! She has been my doc for a while and I love her so today was a chance for Zac to meet her. She is young, cute and spunky and most importantly, we feel so comfortable with her.

We did a wonderful little pap-smear and pelvic examine. She was feeling around and said, "Yeah, you're pregnant! You're uterus is...PREGNANT!" (read:huge) This made me feel much better as I am only about 10 weeks pregnant and can't wear my regular pants. AND I've lost 4 pounds. Hilarious.

So, that's about it for now. Still growing and having fun!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Week 9

The word is out. All of our families now know and are so excited! Granny Eber takes the prize for most immediate outburst of joy. She jumped up and clapped her hands...pretty cute.

So, we have been getting a few "faq's" and the following should clear some of those up:

Q: Was this planned?
A: Yes and no. From day one we knew having a family was high on our list of things to do...we just didn't think it would happen so soon! Nevertheless, we are thrilled and can't wait to welcome baby babu into the world.

Q: What are you doing about the wedding?
A: Keeping it on October 24, 2009. (Mark your calendars) We want our wedding to be about our commitment to each other and celebrating our love for each other, not a shotgun wedding. Plus, Bethany can never do things in the order that is socially acceptable.

Q: When are you due?
A: The medical professionals say August 11, 2009. Nana (Lisa) says August 4th, 2009.

Q: How is Bethany feeling?
A: SO TIRED. She has been lucky and has not had much morning sickness. She craves Waffle House waffles all of the time.

Ok, so that seems to be all of the questions that we have encountered frequently. If you have any others, let us know!

This year is going to be crazy and exciting for us as Zac graduates, we are having a baby, and getting married. Stay tuned for more on this adventure.