Thursday, April 30, 2009

I am finding it difficult to keep up with the blog, not because I'm too busy, but because not much is changing! I think I have hit a groove in the baby making business. My back is 30x better thanks to Jill and daily stretching. I still have days when it just hurts no matter what I do, but not nearly as often. I have been getting just minor heartburn and that is usually due to poor food choices and is never something that a few tums can't knock out. My cravings aren't too severe or wild... just give me ice cream every afternoon and I'm a happy camper. As this is not the healthiest craving to give into, I have been trying to eat a pudding cup instead of frozen custard. Most days this works but yesterday I knew that it was either going to be ice cream, or a pudding cup THEN ice cream. So my loving father made me a yummy sundae with fudge, pecans, and a cut up reeces. It was amazing. Not 5 minutes after I started eating it Sophi started kicking and kicking. I figured my dad was to thank so I grabbed his hand and she kicked it so hard to say, "thanks papa." He smiled and commented on how excited he is to take her to get a real ice cream cone. He is going to be a great grandparent.

Well, that's about it! We go on Monday for another check up and get to have another sonogram to make sure she is growing at the proper weight. I have an obstinate cord that decided to attach on the side instead of in the middle. Go figure.

Hope everyone is doing well!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

24 weeks

Hello friends!

I haven't posted in a while as there hasn't been much to report. No real changes other than the fact that I am growing and growing. Every day Zac tells me that I look more and more pregnant...and quickly follows that up with how beautiful I am :) I have noticed that my hair has gotten curlier, which is kinda nuts.

So, I believe there is one big change to report...for quite a while my placenta was in front of the baby making it difficult for other people to feel Sophia kicking away, but about 2 days ago I am pretty sure we moved some furniture around. Not only have I felt harder and more frequent movements, but everyone else has too! Last night she kicked Zac's hand so hard that it moved! This morning she was so active that I had to get my mom over and she felt her moving and playing. She is practicing her karate as I type this. It's funny that in the past two days my perceptions of her have changed so much. I was sure that she was a pretty calm and sleepy girl, but now I realize that she is moving waaaaay more than I thought she was! It's nice to feel her every few hours or so, especially after I eat something sweet.

Well, that's about it for now. Like I said...not much to report. My back is better and we are just growing along smoothly!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Belly Bump

Ok friends. Here are a few of the long awaited belly bump pictures :) I am just about at 22 weeks and kinda popped. There is no mistaking that I am pregnant now.


Thursday, April 2, 2009


Apparently our little one is listening already! I joked that babu would play an April's Fools joke on us and not show us the goods and wouldn't you know...legs were closed, hid behind the placenta, and then covered the goods with her hands! It's a good thing we had lots to look other than between the legs :) We got to see everything and our tech measured fingers, legs, heart valves, parts of the brain, upper name it. To my relief, everything was perfect. We are having a beautiful, healthy baby girl. She has a pretty cute nose, too!

So, now nesting has kicked in full gear. In the past 24 hours I have done copious amounts of laundry and organizing and cleaning and reading about diapers... this is nuts. I am creating a man-cave for zac in half of the basement so he can have some space for his stuff and play video games without me asking him to turn it down ;) Speaking of, that has been an interesting change for me. Before pregnancy I used to be able to snuggle up and watch him play, read a book in bed next to him while he demolished monsters and bad guys...but now I can't stand to watch him kill things. The violence is too much for me. It is a good release for my introverted man, so we are compromising and creating a space for him to do his thing while I am in the room doing mine. Fun times!

I am growing and growing, starting to get stretch marks which is *so* exciting... (note the sarcasm, please) My best friend is coming into town next week for her spring break and I'm sure there will be a few pictures, but for now here are a few from the sonogram! Enjoy :)