Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Geez, I have been such a slacker in keeping up with the blog. Really, I am very sorry. It feels like nothing has really been happening, but then when I think about it...tons has happened!

Let's see...the mural in the nursery is finished and it is BEAUTIFUL! Seriously, Adina is one crazy talented lady. Keeping with the nursery for a bit...we have the most amazing lime green armchair glider in the world. I fell in love with this chair on my first trip to USA Baby back in...DECEMBER and my amazing friends all went in together to get it for us. Oh, and they kept it a total surprise from me. Zac AND my mom knew and still...I had no clue. I credit part of their secret keeping success on my lack of brain :) All of this secret keeping was over at our last baby shower which was SO MUCH FUN! We played baby categories scategories and decorated individual panels for a quilt for Sophi and had *the best* ice cream sundaes ever. AND we had a baby bump cake. Ridiculously cute.

What else...Oh! we had a pretty significant dress rehearsal for the big day a couple nights ago. I had about 4 hours of false labor, just practice for the real thing. Zac went into super nesting mode by doing laundry, cleaning our room, rearranging and bringing in the bassinet, all of this while still being incredibly present and supportive through the contractions. I really am a very lucky woman.

Well, that's all that I can think of at the moment. We are plugging along, just waiting for the big entrance! She is considered full term at this point so really...any day now. Maybe today! who knows!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

we are just chugging along here! as of last week, sophi was weighing in at a whopping 5 lbs 9 oz and we found hair on top of her head in the sonogram! with just under 4 weeks left, to say that we are getting pretty excited is a huge understatement. we have furniture in the nursery and are just waiting on the beautiful bedroom set from denver then the nursery will be totally done :) i am working on getting all of her clothes washed and ready and stocked. there are a few more things that we need to pick up to feel totally prepared...but who really feels totally prepared?

in the past couple days sophi has been practicing for the big day! she loves to push realllllllllly hard just to let me know that she will do her part when the time comes. my body has been practicing as well and i just have to remind myself that it's a good thing...braxton hicks are important. my birthing ball and zac rubbing my back gets me through really well!

overall, things are going great. thank you to everyone for their thoughts and love. maybe next update will be a little more exciting :)